The Surefire Way to Pack Your Toiletries Bag for a Long Trip in Just Your Carry-On

Packing your toiletries bag for a carry-on trip for a long trip can seem daunting. How can you possibly fit everything you need in a tiny carry-on?

It is possible!

Smart packing requires planning and a few adjustments to your usual makeup and skincare routine. Remember, the TSA’s 3-1-1 rule requires you to fit a maximin of 3.4 ounces (or 100 milliliters) of liquids or gels in 1-quart bag per person.

But with a few simple steps, you’ll find yourself perfectly packed and ready to hit the road.

Choosing Which Products to Pack-What Do You Really Need?

Most of us quite a few skincare products and makeup daily. What can you par down to for traveling? Lose the serums and masks and contouring powder you usually use at home. Decide what is an absolute necessity and take only cleanser, moisturizer and basic makeup.

Yes, you want to look great in all your vacay photos. And I know it’s hard not to be in your regular routine. But remember, it’s just for a little while. And if you get desperate on the road, it’s always fun to pop in a local drug store and try a local product.

I have some sparkly eye shadow that I purchased in Dublin that I would love to buy again.

Small Containers and Even Smaller Amounts

Now that you’ve figured out what you actually have to take, consider the weight of each container and the amount that you need for your trip. Use travel-sized products when available, but only if those have appropriate amounts.

For instance, you need the full 3.4 oz of body lotion, but your (heavy) foundation bottle probably has six months of product in it! And you don’t need four months of moisturizer for an 18-day trip.

Do you have any of those tiny foundation samples lurking in your cosmetic drawer? They are perfect for just enough concealer for your trip. If not, the cosmetic counter at your local mall would love to give you some!

And it’s easy to find small, plastic containers that can be filled with foundation or moisturizer. Buy them at Target or online and use them for years to come.

Avoid Liquids as Much as Possible

Since all liquids must fit the 3-1-1 rule, try bringing products in non-liquid form to save precious space.

  • Cleansing wipes are a must-have! Use a high-quality brand that can also be used to remove eye makeup. These can even be torn in half to stretch your stash.

  • Dry shampoo can help in a pinch. Travel-size aerosols are helpful, but even baby powder can work and will last weeks.

  • Powder Foundations can be an excellent option if they work for your skin. Powder foundation tends not to have as much coverage as a liquid foundation, so make sure you try all products at home first.

  • Solid Perfumes are safer for traveling than glass anyway.

Bonus Tips

If your bag is feeling a little tight, you can buy toothpaste samples in tiny, single-use packets that can be spread throughout your luggage. I did this on several trips, and we didn’t have a problem.

Additionally, shampoo and conditioner samples can also be bought in trial-size packets and put in your toiletry bag or scattered throughout your bag. Although hotels will always have shampoo, so conditioner is the only thing you need.

A plastic freezer bag (freezer is stronger than storage) is a decent choice, but if you often travel, a reusable plastic TSA-approved bag is more durable. Of course, smart travelers always bring a few extra baggies in different sizes, wrapped up with a rubber band. Very helpful!

Putting your toiletry bag together isn’t as hard as you think. You may be surprised how much you can fit in there when you par down to necessities and change up the containers you use.

So, what are your favorite packing tips? Leave a comment below!

About The Author


Amanda is a freelance writer for hire in the travel and parenting fields. She is always looking for an adventure! Whether across town or across the globe. Her favorite adventure is being a mom to Maya and Samuel.


  1. Kellie M Pogue | 21st Oct 19

    Great advice, Amanda!! Thanks so much!! Another great resource that I use is contact lens cases. They hold a good amount of moisturizers, etc. and take up a very small amount of space.

    • Amanda | 21st Oct 19

      That’s a great tip, Kellie! I love it!

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