Category: Disney

How to Save Money at Disney World

How can you save money at Disney World? That’s the magic question, right?! I’m not saying a day at the parks is ever considered cheap. Unfortunately not. But are there ways to reduce the cost? To save a little cash in your wallet for your next adventure? You betcha! Here are a few Princess-approved saving tips. I have used many of these over the years. I sincerely…

Confessions of a Disney Princess

And Her Royal Tips on Visiting With Characters Get ready. It’s confession time. What secrets could I have to share about Disney? Well, I’ve been going to the parks all my life. Not a let’s-go-for-a-vacation thing. More like a my-Dad-worked-there-for-three-decades-and-I-grew-up-going-to-the-parks thing. And then, I-worked-there-for-four-years…

5 Awesome Things About Galaxy’s Edge at Disney

With the unveiling of Galaxy’s Edge, the new Star Wars land at Disneyland and Disney’s Hollywood Studios, a whole new world of exciting Star Wars adventure is brought to life. Ready for you to explore! So, whether you’re just visiting the parks with your family or you’re a hard-core Star Wars fan who dreams of living in the Star Wars movies…. Galaxy’s Edge is…