Category: Vacations

How to Save Money So You Can Travel More

Sometimes it feels like travel is too expensive. How do people afford to go on these fantastic trips you see on Instagram? Do you need to be wealthy to go on vacation? Definitely not! There are a variety of ways to figure out how to save money so you can travel more. Your dream trip is within reach. It’s helpful to understand a few critical issues first, and then…

20 Amazing Foods You Must Try in Paris

You know that incredible feeling when you try a new food and are immediately in LOVE with the taste, and remember that moment long after? Welcome to France. You can experience just that with SO MANY delicious foods in Paris! France is known for its loving attention to mealtimes, and a desire to create a superb menu item no matter the time or expense involved. Food is the subject of…

5 Mistakes Visitors Make at the Grand Canyon

Every year approximately 5.5 million travelers visit the Grand Canyon. And they make so many blunders! Some of which are deadly. Don’t be one of them. Avoid these top 5 mistakes, and make your trip to the Grand Canyon memorable for all the right reasons. Not the wrong ones. 1.      Underestimating the Size and of the Park and Distance Between Entrances It’s hard for many people to…

19 Ideas for Summer Fun Your Kids Will Love

Summer 2020 is NOT looking like any previous summer I can remember. While we limit the spread of Covid-19, and stay closer to home, most summer travel plans are canceled. Or greatly changed. Does that mean you can’t have a great time with your kids right now? No way! Here are 19 ideas for summer fun that your kids will love. And so will you! Fun at Home…

8 Secrets to Having a FANTASTIC First Trip to Europe

A trip to Europe is so exciting! It’s your chance to experience other cultures, immerse yourself in ancient history and taste delicious, exotic foods. However, Americans can face some unique challenges when they go abroad the first time. Before you even begin to plan your trip, you need to know these eight secrets, or essential thoughts, to keep in mind. Follow this advice, and you’ll easily overcome any…

29 Vital Tips for First-Time Campers

Camping is a great family trip! But it can be daunting if you’re new to this whole sleeping-and-eating-outdoors thing. First-time campers should focus on the essentials: getting a good night’s sleep, eating tasty food, and making campfires safe and straightforward. Try these 25 vital tips for first-time campers to have a no-stress, fun trip. And definitely read Why You Should Go Camping…